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Útulňa pod Chabencom (Ďurková) - diskuse

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  • 31.7.2013 10:39
    Hezká útulna, sympatičtí lidé. Pramen je sice poměrně daleko, ale je vydatný a dá s v něm slušně opláchnout.
  • turista
    Łukasz Karłowski
    8.4.2013 15:08
    Hello,   I am looking for accomodation for one night in date about 31.04-05.05 2013  for 40-60 people. Together with my colleagues (from mountatin club "Halny") we are organisating mountain tracking trip across Nizne Tatry.    "Halny club" is mountatin club which is associated with Poznan University of Technology.    Could you tell us if it possible to get accomodetion in this time? We wil have our sleepbags and foam pads so we will be glad if you offer us a piece of floor. I want to ask also if it would be possible  to pith the tent in you possesion or in neiberhood?   We have planed long tracks, so we will not make any problems but I think the some people with guitars will come and it could be loudly (but in harmonic way).     What would be the price of accomodation for one night? Is it possible to buy something to eat or drink in nearby?    If You could not guest us Could You advise us some other places? I am looking forward for Your anwser.   With best wishes, Lukasz Karlowski     P.S If You preffer I can write also in german or polish.
  • turista
    Łukasz Karłowski
    8.4.2013 15:08
    Hello,   I am looking for accomodation for one night in date about 31.04-05.05 2013  for 40-60 people. Together with my colleagues (from mountatin club "Halny") we are organisating mountain tracking trip across Nizne Tatry.    "Halny club" is mountatin club which is associated with Poznan University of Technology.    Could you tell us if it possible to get accomodetion in this time? We wil have our sleepbags and foam pads so we will be glad if you offer us a piece of floor. I want to ask also if it would be possible  to pith the tent in you possesion or in neiberhood?   We have planed long tracks, so we will not make any problems but I think the some people with guitars will come and it could be loudly (but in harmonic way).     What would be the price of accomodation for one night? Is it possible to buy something to eat or drink in nearby?    If You could not guest us Could You advise us some other places? I am looking forward for Your anwser.   With best wishes, Lukasz Karlowski     P.S If You preffer I can write also in german or polish.
  • 13.8.2011 12:44

    Miluju tohle místo, stejně jako hřeben Nízkých Tater...pokud chcete zůstat na hřebeni celý den sami, doporučuji vyrazit v průběhu týdne...samozřejmě v části, kam se dostanou baťůžkáři z lanovky, je bohužel kouzlo hor rázem pryč.

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