61 599 turistů a cestovatelů
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Mariq Kirilova

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Nové příspěvky

Apartments on the beach in Sozopol
Apartments on the beach in Sozopol
   Sozopol is the oldest town along the Bulgarian coast. The first settlement dates back to the end of the 4th-3rd millennium B.C. In 610 B.C. a hellenic colony of Miletus greeks is established in the area unde…
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Apartmens in Sozopol
Apartmens in Sozopol
Apartment Buruna, Sozopol offers 9 beds in total. I offer comfortable and cosy apartments with unique location on the rocky beach of the new part of Sozopol. The apartments view the beautiful…
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hotel "Rusalka"
hotel "Rusalka"
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Hotel "Rusalka"
Hotel "Rusalka"
Rady a tipy
I offer comfortable and cosy apartments with unique location on the rocky beach of the new part of Sozopol. The apartments view the beautiful Sozopol bay and the Harmanite beach, which is only 20 meters far fro…
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Hotel na more v Bulgaria
Hotel na more v Bulgaria
Hotel "Rusalka"-Sozopol - Pro rodiny s dětmi nabízíme ubytování ve dvoupokojových apartmánech za zvýhodněnou cenu nebo ve dvoulůžkových pokojích s přistýlkou nebo dětskou postýlkou. Cena za den po dobu 4-man-50…
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Nejčtenější příspěvky

Apartmens in Sozopol
Apartmens in Sozopol
Apartment Buruna, Sozopol offers 9 beds in total. I offer comfortable and cosy apartments with unique location on the rocky beach of the new part of Sozopol. The apartments view the beautiful…
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Soukromaubitovna "RUSALKA" nabizi pokoje s prislusenstvim s tarasou se iremi nebo s dvema lyrky ve meste Sozopol 300 m. od plaze .Historicke mecto s krasnym parkem a parkovistem ,prodejuna a…
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hotel "Rusalka"
hotel "Rusalka"
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Apartments on the beach in Sozopol
Apartments on the beach in Sozopol
   Sozopol is the oldest town along the Bulgarian coast. The first settlement dates back to the end of the 4th-3rd millennium B.C. In 610 B.C. a hellenic colony of Miletus greeks is established in the area unde…
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Hotel "Rusalka"
Hotel "Rusalka"
Rady a tipy
I offer comfortable and cosy apartments with unique location on the rocky beach of the new part of Sozopol. The apartments view the beautiful Sozopol bay and the Harmanite beach, which is only 20 meters far fro…
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