Apartments on the beach in Sozopol
Sozopol is the oldest town along the Bulgarian coast. The first settlement dates back to the end of the 4th-3rd millennium B.C. In 610 B.C. a hellenic colony of Miletus greeks is established in the area under the name of Apollonia Pontica. The colony gradually evolves into a significant commercial crossroad that enjoys dynamic trade with the biggest cities in ancient Greece. As a result the town soon starts to develop its own highly sophisticated arts and its contemporaries call it Apollonia Magna. In 72 B.C. Apollonia is raded and ravaged by the Romans and its defense walls are completely razed. However, the town survives and around 4th century A.D. becomes a significant place once again under the name Sozopolis - "The town of salvation". Traditionally Byzantine town and a fortress in the hinterland of Constantinople during the middle ages, Sozopolis for the first time is included in the territories of the Bulgarian Kingdom in 812 A.D. Nowadays, there are many churches, excavations and old houses made of stone and wood that form the unique architecture of what we know today as Sozopol.апартамент_мария